

歌手:谭咏麟 所属专辑:半梦半醒之间 词:Linda Hennrick 曲:叶肇达
歌词编辑:就要歌词网 发布时间:2020-08-23 本歌词有454个文字,大小约为2KB,预计阅读时间2分钟。


Crime - 谭咏麟 (Alan Tam)
词:Linda Hennrick
You've been caught and they've got the evidence
Not a word can you say in your defense
The D A says he's built a solid case
You've been caught so you might as well confess
Tell the judge get in all right off your chest
Guilty as charged you'll answer to the law
'Cause it's a crime
How you hurt me like you do
And it's a crime
How you treat me like a fool
You think it's smart how you've stolen my heart
Oh but this time you're gonna pay
Baby your pretty lies and your sweet alibis
No they won't help you get away
Your love's become a crime
Once a name out of high society
Now you've gained such a notoriety
It's a shame how you play your cheating game
What a field day for the media
It's the scandal of the era
'Cause celebre they're taking you away
'Cause it's a crime
How you hurt me like you do
And it's a crime
How you treat me like a fool
You think it's smart how you've stolen my heart
Oh but this time you're gonna pay
Baby your pretty lies and your sweet alibis
No they won't help you get away
Your love's become a crime
'Cause it's a crime
How you hurt me like you do
And it's a crime
How you treat me like a fool
You think it's smart how you've stolen my heart
Oh but this time you're gonna pay
Baby your pretty lies and your sweet alibis
No they won't help you get away
Your love's become a crime


谭咏麟基本资料谭咏麟:谭咏麟,1950年8月23日出生于香港,籍贯广东新会,中国香港男歌手、音乐人、演员。1968年谭咏麟成为Loosers乐队的成员,从而进入演艺圈。1973年任温拿乐队主音歌手。... >>点击查看谭咏麟详细介绍


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